Blog posts


Succesfully defended my Ph.D.!

1 minute read


Every journey has an end. This one took over 5 years, countless hours in front of the screens and (if I estimated correctly) one thousand litters of coffee. This would not be possible if not for the help and support of supervisors, colleagues, friends, and family. I thank you all for your support for all these years! Thank you!

Self-assembly of long functionalized alkanes on graphite

1 minute read


I have spent a large part of my Ph.D. working on self-assembly of long functionalized alkanes on graphite. Formation of such monolayer has potential as an alternative method for top-down approaches to create 2D structures (such as photolithography). In both papers, we show the complete process of self-assembly by coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations: from molecules dissolved in phenooctane until highly-ordered assemblies. Our model not only explains in detail the process but also can be used to predict final supramolecular structures. If you are interested in more, you can read it in these papers: